On Saturday, accompanied by my visiting sister, I set out across windblown, wet Seattle to attend the Cascade Bicycle Expo. I thought I'd planned our bus route according to the directions on the Cascade Bicycle Club's website, but when we made our way to a massive parking lot, we found inhospitable signs directing us to a bike/ped path through an industrial area. It would be a two mile walk to get to the expo location.
And so, the expo lost two young lady attendees. We decided to head down the path to the waterfront, skirting Elliott Bay.
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The air blew freshly against our faces, eventually freezing our ears.
This silo greeted us on our left as we bobbed along.
And on our right, the scaffolding of a system for loading a container ship.
We stumbled upon the Olympic Sculpture Park, which my favorite architect-in-training had recommended. It's a pretty impressive public space, reminiscent of the High Line in Manhattan. Unfortunately, unlike the High Line, which affords stimulating vistas of a mix of buildings, this park looks onto the almost uniformly dull development zone called Belltown. I don't know if those condos replaced anything, but they already look dated and snooooooze. Whoops, just fell asleep.