We had about twenty new faces show up, including a Colombian/ Puerto Rican artist named Carolina Caycedo who is doing a show at g727 this month. She spoke enthusiastically about growing up with ciclovía, like how teens flirt there, and show off their hot bods and whatnot.
Here I am working on my little project flanked by Carolina, Jonathan Parfrey (LA environmentalist extraordinaire), and Bobby, he of the moustache.
My friend and collaborator Allison Mannos took the picture. She also got a lovely one of my bicycle:
I used my shiny new panniers to transport drinks for the workshop from the bourg-tastic Ralph's downtown. They can securely carry five bottles of Perrier, three bottles of Tejava, and a modest jug of Martinelli's, I've now discovered. That's a lot of glass containers.
After the workshop we went to a massive craft fair being held at the California Market Center a few blocks away in the Fashion District. It was called "Renegade," but was mostly cutesy stationery and full skirts made of different layers of cotton or whatever. I bought some nice cards and ogled a lot of excellent designs. It made me want to revive my enthusiasm for craft fairs and make some stuff to sell again. I'd just have to accept that craft fairs are good places to meet other DIY designers, but not good places to make enough money for a fancy dinner out.
And then, after that, we went to a bbq and met lots of lovely art students. Quite a Saturday.